
First Goal of 2011

Whoaaa it's the last week of 2010!!!
Fan girl wise, I have some big changes this year. From J dorama, J-pop fan, I gradually shifting to K - dorama and K - pop, K variety, and LSG ^_^. I was a stubborn and loyal fan of J-dorama and J-pop, but alas, eventually I could not resist the charm of K Entertainment. But, this doesn't mean I'm leaving J-dorama, I'm just expanding my interests, and knowledege. And truly it's a good thing to have.  
My goal for 2011: Mastering the basic of Korean language!


LSG Fan Encounter

This year I'm totally into Lee Seung Gi :). And today I met another LSG fan! And she is no other than a friend in my office ^_^. So happy to share everything Lee Seung Gi from today onward.


Wish List

- Loose Weight!
- Learn Korean (Mupanda gave me a very useful book on basic Korean! Yaay ^_^!!!)
- Buy a good mp3 player
- Travel to Singapore
- Travel to Japan
- Travel to Korea
- Buy new boots
- Buy perfume   (I've bought my self Japanese Cherry Blossom EDT & and its body lotion from Body Shop. And I'm loving the 2 products ^_^)
- Have a strong commitment to my working schedule
- Have enough saving (I have a sum in my mind)
- Buy more 24 carat gold
And the list continues....


Maneki Neko w/ Solar Energy

One of my Maneki Nekos collections ^_^. With a proper sunlight or any light as long as it's strong enough, this kitty can move her head from left to right while beckoning with her right paw up and down ^_^. I put her on my office desk for some neko healing every time I feel stressed out. Actually she's a part of a series of Maneki Neko with the same appearance, only her other siblings come in different colors, like red, orange etc. 



From Shills (www.com.tw)
Made in Taiwan
Net Wt 0.3oz

I found this perfume when browsing in an online shop called Chic Princessa. A perfume that looks like a balm, woow this is perfect for travelling I thought, so inspite of the expensive price and me not knowing the exact scent, I went ahead and bought this unique product. A very impulsive decision I know, more over because I never use any of Shill's products before. But, I guess at that time my shopping spirit took the best of me.

Chic Princessa has a good service, so the product came not long after I ordered it. Without further ado, I opened the package and it really looked like a balm, or Vicks :D, with metal rounded container. Honestly speaking, it looked cheaper than the price. I wish they made a more attractive packaging.

Anyways, here are some positive and negative points I summed up:

The positives:
  • Because of the solid form, it's very convenient for travelling. You'll have no worries of spilling your perfume.
  • A small size of this product could last a long time, again thanks to the solid form.

The negative:
  • The scent is not my cup of tea. Instead of a perfume, it smells more like an aroma therapic candle's scent. Maybe this is what they meant by the text “Voluptuos Scent” written in the cap. Is this how “Cherry Tree” really smells like?
  • Too expensive.
  • The scent doesn't last very long.
  • The packaging is too simple.

Nope, I won't buy it again. First of all because I'm not crazy about the scent, secondly it's too pricey.


Black Wedges from Andre Valentino

My daily style is very casual, maybe too casual. I love wearing comfortable shoes, and what I meant by comfortable is snickers, flats, crocs etc, I only wear high heels in very rare occasions. But a few weeks ago while shopping at Matahari, I bought a pair of wedges ^_^.  Yes it has a 70% discount, but that's not the only reason. I'm not that crazy over high heeled shoes, to be tempted by big discounts.

I love these wedges because with 7cm high heels, they are still so comfortable to wear, for real! The weight is very light, the soles are made of rubber, so absolutely not slippery. And the pads & black leather is so soft. The brand is Andre Valentino, and when I checked the inside part of the shoes, there's a writing "Made in Idonesia". I'm so happy every time I found an Indonesian product with good quality, makes me feel so proud ^_^. I think you better watch out for this brand, because it's so good ^_^. Hopefully it's durable too.

Rubber sole


Fish & co - Jakarta

I love Fish & co., never regret my visit to this fisherman themed restaurant!

Yes the price is not cheap for my wallet, but once in a while it's so worth it to dine there. I deliberatly do not want to mention any certain branch of Fish & co., because all of  them that spread all over Jakarta, offer the same good quality.

I also adore the fish chowder, yummyyyyy! Too bad, some times when ordering the menu, at first I feel like I could eat anything they have to offer, but when the dish arrived on my table, usually I felt exhausted half way. Because the portion is that big, so in the second half of eating, it will be hard to enjoy just like the first half.

But, now to avoid that kind of feeling, I usually order the sweet and sour fish as seen in the picture, the portion is just right. And the sauce will give you a fresh taste, plus they add sauteed chunks of vegetables which make me feel less guilty for stuffing my body with deep fried food ^_^.

HOT PLANET, Sarinah - Jakarta

At first, we were quite impressed with what this restaurant had to offer, who wouldn't be if the menu was so varied, from Indonesian food, Asian food, to Western food, with reasonable price. They also had an impressive line of breakfast menu, starting from pancakes to Indonesian style porridge.

And judging from the customers at that time, this restaurant was not bad at all. But, they have a very strategic location, so it's too early to judge the food just by looking at the customers present. The ambiance I felt was too dark. And how was the food? Simply put, “PLAIN”. For presentations you can see from the pictures, but for the taste, there was nothing special. It's great that they can sale with an affordable price, but must the taste come out that bland?

So I won't return to that restaurant again if I have to pay for myself :D. 

This one was still okay


Lady Speed Stick - Powder Fresh

It's my new substitute for the regular deodorant stick I regularly used. From my teenage years until just recently I had been using Rexona dry stick to demolish unwanted body odour. Rexona dry stick does its job pretty well odour wise, and I like the fragrance too. I already have a favorite fragrance that's fresh and soft, plus Rexona is a house hold brand in Indonesia, the price is cheap because I guess they have their own local factory here, so the access to Rexona products is very easy.

But, I can't help but noticing how Rexona always leave some whitish stains in the arm pit area of my clothes. It broke my heart every time I see how Rexona ruins my new blouse or my new t-shirt from the inside, especially the dark colored ones. Besides, what's more important is people said Rexona tends to make our arm pit skin darker. Well, after hearing that, I have to admit, maybe mine is darker than it supposed to be. 

So, my BFF suggested this Lady Speed Stick product from Mennen (distributed by Colgate-Palmolive). According to her, this stick won't make our arm pit skin darker, and won't leave any stain in our clothes. Lady Speed Stick isn't a new thing for me, cause I often saw it  in many drugstores which sell imported products. But, the problem is, it's an imported product made in USA, thus the price is about double the Rexona's price, or more.  

But, I don't want Rexona to ruin my skin and my clothes more that it already  has. So, after using up all my Rexona, I bought Lady Speed Stick at last. I choose "Powder Fresh" fragrance (powder scent always works well for me). The price was quite expensive for my range, Rp. 47.000 (around 4.7 $) for a stick that weighs 39.6g. Judging from the size, I think it could last a long time. It said, this product contains aloe vera extract that will keep our skin soft and moisturized. 

Since then, I have been using it for a week, and quite happy with the result ^_^. It really keeps away unwanted odour all day long, and so far I have not found any (new) stain on my clothes. But I don't know about the darker skin thing, I guess for this one, I need to observe longer to know if this product really reduces the darker shade on my arm pit skin. 

After a few months applying this product, the darker shade on my arm pit skin was reduce!! Yaaayness ^_^, so this will be my household product.

Blog Walking

Have just spent a couple of hours blog walking, and I found some interesting blogs ^_^, mainly about snack reviews, and other Japan related blogs made by foreigners in Japan. Quite inspiring!

Mapping Hadiah Selesaaai

Akhirnya selesai juga menghitung ulang pembagian hadiah >.<. Dari kemarin revisi bolak-balik. Dari mereka ada yang salah, dari gw ada juga yang salah. Jadi, mau nggak mau harus dihitung ulang dan dibagi ulang. Semoga kali ini nggak ada yang salah lagi, hufffff.

 Oh iya, hari Jumat kemarin dapat pemberitahuan yang cukup menyenangkan walaupun itu berarti hard work is in order in the end of this year, and next year! Gotta keep my promise to myself: Time managing, and working step by step. Fighttooooo!!


Currently Reading... Wuthering Heights

I'm Currently reading Emily Bronte's one and only novel, "Wuthering Hights". Yes, it's a classic, but I found my mood to read it just a few days ago. But during my college years I've watched the movie version in British Council's library, still a movie sometimes only shows a part of the original work's charm. Thus, some months ago I bought the book, it was cheap anyway compared to the Sookie Stackhouse series I long for :D. 

But, man... I only reached like 4 or 5 chapters. Despite the not so complicated story, it is totally not an easy reading. Well, maybe because my English is rusty, and after all it's 19th's century literature, surely people back then just love to jumble with words. I just hope I wouldn't get tired a long the way...        

UPDATE: I finally gave up reading it :D. It's more practical to read the summary in Wikipedia, ha ha ha, bad me. 

Last Day

It's the last day of my Lebaran holiday T_T. Wish I could extend it. 
But, need to get back to reality, a.ka. working life tomorrow with all the mock-ups, the scripts, and those bosses that I don't miss. Many wishes I've made for the upcoming days ahead, hope they will come true.


One Thing Led to Another

Rasanya ingin menulis sesuatu, tapi nggak tahu mau nulis apa. Jadi, dimulai aja dengan cuaca sekarang. Di luar terus hujan seperti hari-hari kemarin. Belum reda-reda juga setelah beberapa jam, paling nggak dari pagi sampai siang dapat sinar matahari untuk mengeringkan jemuran baju. Still in the middle of my Lebaran holliday, sebetulnya sekarang udah masuk ke cuti pribadi, karena kantor udah mulai masuk. 

On the productive side, di liburan kali ini gw lumayan lebih ringan tangan dalam membantu beres-beres rumah. Tapi, kalau productive secara kerjaan, I only managed to edit some articles, and sent it to my graphic designer. Lagi pula, liburan 'kan bukan untuk dipakai menyelesaikan kerjaan kantor yang hanya membayar kerjaan di waktu kerja yang mereka tentukan. So, I can not let myself feel dissapointed if I could only deliver trivial office work. Justru kantor beruntung gw masih sudi ngerjain kerjaan mereka di waktu pribadi gw, mereka dapat jasa gratis, cih!

Di bulan ini, seperti juga di saat-saat sebelumnya, gw kembali disadarkan kalau kantor nggak sayang sama kita, mereka hanya menghargai kerjaan kita yang menguntungkan mereka, so better I do the same, daripada makan hati. Yah, kalau membahas itu lebih lanjut, cuma akan menimbulkan hawa negatif. Jadi, kita tinggalkan saja topik yang nggak berujung itu, soalnya sama aja dengan menentukan mana yang muncul duluan, ayam atau telur.

Btw, pernah merasa sebagai orang yang paling menderita, sampai-sampai susah menerima kalau orang lain merasa lebih menderita daripada kita? Pernah merasa gara-gara situasi orang lain lebih baik, lantas mereka nggak seharusnya merasa menderita? Seolah semua penderitaan belum seberapa kalau dibandingkan dengan penderitaan kita? Tapi, setiap orang 'kan punya situasi dan kondisi yang berbeda, yang menghasilkan emosi dan rasa yang berbeda2 pula, dan kita ini nggak tahu segalanya. Kalau dipikir-pikir, kita selalu merasa yang paling menderita dalam pikiran kita sendiri. Mungkin karena kita sendirilah yang paling mengerti hidup kita, paling tahu apa yang ada di dalam hati dan otak kita, dibandingkan dengan pengetahuan kita tentang orang lain.

Hanya kita yang paling tahu apa yang kita rahasiakan dari dunia, dan apa yang kita rasakan di dunia ini. Kalau setelah sampai di titik itu, alangkah baiknya kalau kita bisa membalikkan cara pemikiran kita. Kalau kita tahu it's all in our head, mungkin di titik itu kita bisa mulai melihat a bigger picture, outside our shell. In my own case, di saat gw merasa udah nggak kuat menahan penderitaan diri, biasanya di saat itu pulalah gw akan sangat merasa seakan gw ini paling menderita sedunia.

Untuk melawan pemikiran kalau kita yang paling menderita di dunia (yang bisa berujung ke depresi dan self insecurity), ada baiknya kalau kita menanamkan pemikiran bahwa selalu ada yang lebih menderita daripada kita di dunia ini, dan memang bener, 'kan? Kalau selalu ada yang lebih menderita daripada diri kita, berarti kita punya banyak hal yang lebih daripada orang lain. Kita tinggal menganilasi apa yang kita miliki, satu per satu, dari hal paling sepele, sampai yang paling signifikan. Dan, yang paling penting, kalau kita merasa memiliki banyak hal yang membuat kita lebih beruntung daripada orang lain, di titik itu pulalah tiba waktunya untuk bersyukur ^_^. We're all lucky in our own right.

Tapi, yang nggak kalah pentingnya, walaupun kita ini beruntung dengan apa yang kita miliki, seperti halnya selalu ada yang lebih menderita daripada kita, di dunia ini pun selalu ada yang lebih baik daripada kita. Sehingga muncullah saat untuk menjadi humble, alias nggak besar kepala. Soalnya sebagus dan sejelek apa pun seseorang, pasti dia memiliki suatu kelebihan yang nggak kita punya, memiliki sesuatu yang bisa kita pelajari...



Beberapa temen udah tahu kalau gw hobi koleksi maneki neko lucu, yang udah moderen dan free style . Tapi, kalo nemu gratisan maneki neko tradisional juga, akan kuterima dengan senang hatiiii ^_^. Nah, dari dulu, udah niat pingin mendata spek para kucing keramikku itu, tapi sampai sekarang nggak kesampaian T_T, gomen neee.

Jadi, mumpung ada satu foto koleksi gw di kamera yang belum diupload, maka koleksi gw yang satu ini sangat beruntung karena mendapat kesempatan pertama u/ debut ^_^.

  Hi hi hi, sebetulnya ini nggak bisa dibilang maneki neko(kucing) juga, secara dia kan tanuki (Japanese raccoon dog). Tapi, nggak apa2 tetep masuk keluarga koleksi maneki gw, karena dia juga mengemban tugas memanggil keberuntungan ^_^. Dan dia juga sangat mandiri karena kalau ditoyor bakal keukeuh berdiri sendiri lagi.

Belinya di Food Hall Senayan City. Di sana kan suka ditaruh boks produk2 Daiso, dan banyak maneki nekonya >.<. Huks, pinginnya semua meong itu gw bawa pulang, tapi tahu diri deh. Jadi, gw cuma beli yang paling unik ini ^_^. Tanuki yang maneki neko wannabe .
Tingginya 10 cm, tampangnya dodol, dan finishing touch di matanya kurang sempurna. But I love him anyway ^_^, iya kayaknya sih jantan ya.  

Oh ya, sebetulnya selain maneki neko, pingin juga koleksi Matryoshka. Tapi, carinya susah >.<, kalau nemu pun harganya lumayan ya. Di rumah Matryoshka baru punya 2 set itu pun sebetulnya punya ortu :D yang udah berasa hak milik gw sendiri. Kalau ada yang pergi ke Rusia, gw cukup kok dioleh2in itu aja ~_^.   

Food of the Day

So today is the last day before our Idul Fitri holiday ^_^. Happy, happy~ joy~joy~!
 And to break my fast, I went to Sphageddies at Senayan City. Usually this restaurant isn't too crowded but not too empty. But yesterday, it was fully packed. The good thing was, I was  with my brother, so no prob on getting the seats for two. 
These were the dishes we ordered ^_^.

I forgot the name, but it's my favorite dish in Sphageddies. Doesn't make your stomach too full, but the taste is so savory, and just like a seafood spaghetti should taste like. I love how they are always generous with the clamps. Yummy...

A guilty free pizza (except for the price ~ maybe). A delicious snack, with slices of smoked salmon and olives. The crust is thin, so you can have a pizza and spaghetti all at once without worrying  too much about your weight. 

 Penne Alfredo ~ the portion was too much for me, but after all I had been fasting all day. And my tummy could not take too much food in one time, it needs to pace it self after a whole day of fasting ^_^. I wish the pennes were much softer, cause I'm the kind of person who loves soft noodles, and that goes for pasta too. 


Purchase of the Day

I ordered these from my BFF ^_^, she's an Oriflame girl now. 

From left to right:
- Soothing Eye Contour Gel - Chamomile for my eyes that got puffier in this fasting month T_T
- Milk & Honey Nourishing Face Cream for my Mom ^_^
- Tender Care Proctecting Balm. A must have! I've been using this product for years.


New Month - September

It's a new month! What will happen this time? Celebration for Idul Fitri that's for sure.  But, how about our personal lives? Our working lives? Will, everything go as planned? Have you made a plan? Will there be a nice surprise or two? Sadness happiness? 
To me, I want to stick to two simple goals:
- Working step by step, not all at once (alias cicil kerjaan!)
- Organize my working life 

Soaking the new sun
PS: Right in the first day of September, I've got a pretty heavy blow >.<.


Food of the Day

Today I got some cute delicacies ^_^ in my working place. 

First of all, these small pastries our section got from a client. They were so nice sending us parcels of sweet pastries and traditional cakes. But, I'm not so sure my own office will do the same >.<. Well... we're not known to be a generous company (he he, sorry).

The one on the left was filled with apple and cinnamon. Although I'm not a fan of baked apples, but I have to say it was tasty. The one on the right was a choux pastry with sweet weep cream, and as you can see, topped with mandarin orange, kiwi and cherry, a sweet delight in the afternoon ^_^. 

Next up, was this strange looking thing. It's a waffle actually, deep in a chocolate sauce. Bought it in a bazaar at the parking lot of my office (this is like the  3rd one we had during this fasting month).

The vendor call it "Lolly Waffle" since it's on  a stick, hence the name acquired. Well, it's not so bad, the batter was soft, and  the scent was mouth watering, I very much enjoyed eating it. it's a new way of eating your waffle, and you can have it for only Rp.5000 (about 50 cent).

Last but not least, my dinner at a regular place not far from where I live. I ordered fried battered red snapper with mushroom sauce & some chips and vegetables on the side. The fish was so soft, and freshly fried. Loved it! For Rp.13.000 (1.3 US$) it's a great bargain. 

I also got a taste of this baked potato with mayonnaise, broccoli and cheese, yummy!


Light Bulb

Fill your working life with delight and satisfaction, no matter how big or small.

~ Have a nice day ^_^ ~

Dear Darling Lipt Tint by Etude House

This is my first Etude House product. I ordered it online from Onik-chan's shop when she opened a korean cosmetics "pre-order". Now, Etude House together with some famous Korean cosmetic brands are all the rage now in big cities of Indonesia. My first encounter with Korean cosmetics was two years ago when my sister in law asked me to buy her a brown sugar mask from Skin Food. She told me to buy it in a Skin Food official store in Jakarta, and I was dumbfounded when I found out how expensive it was, so at that time, I thought there's now way I would buy any Korean cosmetics, because the price range between other Korean cosmetics brand  was not so far with Skin Food's. 

But, later on, I found out how girls here still can afford Korean cosmetics, despite the steep official price tag. They ordered it online via seller who would purchase the cosmetics straight from Korea, of course with a way cheaper price! Even some of them went so far, as to go straight to Korea! Well, that made sense, because that way, they can cut so many cost; tax, location rent, shipping etc. Since then, I tried to ordered (online) Korean cosmetics my self  ^_^, and I'm one satisfied girl with their always cute packaged, fully packed natural ingredients and good quality products. 

Now, although there are many Korean cosmetics brand in the online shopping world in Indonesia, so far I still only stick to Skin Food (and I tried Baviphat once). So, I'm dying to try the next best Korean cosmetics (maybe), which is Etude House! From some time, I was reluctant to buy any product of Etude House because I think it's a bit pricey than Skin Food, and the packaging is just way too girly for my age (although I love pink and cute stuff). But what the hey, I'm curious, so I ordered this Dear Darling Lip Tint no. 1. And here's my positive and negative points according to my skin condition and lip tone.

- It has a distinctive aroma, just like a red syrup's.So much fun to use. The scent is so sweet, you'd wanna taste it.
-Since it is a lip tint not a lip stick, the color is sheer, but what makes it special is; this lip tint is able to make the impression as if the redness of the color come from inside our lips, not outside (I hope my description is understandable). Just like when you drank red Fanta, the red coloring will linger in your lips, just like a child's lips. Naturally reddish.
- The color stay on for hours

- It's hard to apply it evenly, since the mixture is too watery. Especially after you have applied balm or lip gloss.
- Quite pricey

Conclusion: I probably won't buy this product any time sooner. I love the effect on my lips. But sometime I get frustrated when trying to apply it evenly.


Food of The Day

Berhubung masih dalam bulan Ramadhan, pastinya ulasan makannya jatuh ke makan malam ^_^. Nah, daripada maksain pulang sebelum waktu berbuka, yang mana berarti gw harus menghadapi kemacetan yang super duper gila dan cuma akan menguras pahala gw setelah seharian puasa, akhirnya gw memilih makan malam di D'Cost cabang ITC Permata Hijau. 

Sesampai di lokasi, resto-nya udah penuh, ada yang udah di-booking ada juga yang memang rajin nungguin dari sore. Untungnya kami dapat meja.

Ini dia pesanan kami malam ini:
Searah jarum jam: Tumis Kangkung dengan bawang putih, patin tim bawang putih, & kerang bambu saus tiram

Kepiting Soka Saus Telur Asin
Jus Semangka

Ah sayang T_T, kayaknya D'Cost juga mulai mengikuti jejak restoran lain, untuk menurunkan mutu. Memang harga masih lumayan murah, tapi berasa banget banyak yang dikurangin. 

Jus semangka (Rp. 4.800): Terasa semangkanya nggak sebanyak biasanya dan kurang manis. Kangkung (Rp. 6.800): masih tetep standar enak. Kerang bambu (Rp. 10.800): Kerangnya bagus2, dan besar, tapi cangkang yang ada isinya hanya separuh dari porsi yang disajikan, alias banyak cangkang kosong :D. Ikan patin tim bawang putih (Rp. 27.800): Daging tetap lembut, with that fatty goodness ^_^, tapi taste-nya kurang nendang, butuh bawang putih yang lebih banyak lagi biar sip. Kepiting soka saus telur asin (Rp. 34.800): Rasanya sih lumayan, tapi porsinya super kecil, beda langit dan bumi dengan foto yang di menu. 

Dan satu hal yang fatal, semua masakan di atas disajikan dalam keadaan dingin >.<, padahal kita menunggunya lama (kalau mau menyajikan dingin, paling nggak munculnya cepat, dong). Tapi setidaknya sopan santun pelayan masih tetap dijaga ^_^. Mudah-mudahan semakin ada perbaikan.


Fat Burger @ Plaza Senayan

Seneng banget waktu tahu bakal ada burger baru ^_^, cause I love burgers! Burger chain yang memilih Jakarta untuk awal dominasinya di Asia Tenggara ini bernama Fat Burger, menurut promosinya sih mereka ini the best burger in Las Vegas. Whuiiih, dari namanya, dan fotonya udah jelas terbayang burger-burger di Amerika yang fatty, juicy, nggak sehat, tapi enak banget :D. Maka, suatu hari, waktu mau nonton di Plasa Senayan, gw pun mencobanya. Setelah putar-puter cari lokasi, ternyata Fat Burger PS bukan berupa resto, tapi stan di food court, ya nggak masalah. So, will it meet my expectations?

 This is like, one of the most over priced burger I've ever tasted T_T.
Patty-nya tebal, tapi kering, dan rasanya hambar. Totally different dengan Mother's Cook, Burger King bahkan Mc D yang masing-masing punya signature taste. Big disappointment. Size-nya aja sedang-sedang aja. And forget the melting cheese in their posters, cause you have to pay extra for a slice >.<. 


Size-nya oke banget. Besar dan panjaaaang. Tapi, kok, ternyata kalau makan kentang goreng yang kegedean, rasanya kayak lagi makan ubi, ya? Dan sayang sekali, kentangnya nggak diracik dengan bumbu-bumbu khas, walaupun gw tetep cinta mati dengan rasa kentang yang asli. 

Bener-bener irisan bawang bombay, my kinda onion ring ^_^! Bukan shredded onion yang dicampur ke dalam adonan (walaupun yang begini juga gw tetep suka). Awalnya sih suka, tapi kok lama-lama kepala jadi terasa berat, dan terasa eneg banget? Gw curiga ada apa-apa dengan minyak deep fry-nya. Mungkin udah keseringan dipakai, kayak minyak abang-abang tukang gorengan. 

Teknologi yang dipakai sih high tech. Kita bahkan bisa cek orderan kita dari layar kecil yang ada di depan mesin kasir, yang dihadapkan ke pengunjung. Terus, semua staf harus ikut mengulang orderan terbaru, kocak juga sih :D. Kalau yang teriakin order pertama berlogat jawa, staf lain juga harus mengulanginya dengan akses jawa :D. 

Tapiii... tetep ada tapi... keliatan banget staf-nya kurang dididik, mungkin standar operasionalnya juga kurang pakem, nggak seperti di resto fast food lain. Di antara mereka sangat kelihatan miskomunikasinya. Okelah itu tempat baru, tapi resto-resto lain pas baru buka juga nggak separah ini. Mulai dari salah order, berantem antara staf, sampai-sampai ada staf yang teriak ke rekannya, "Loe tau nggak sih isi-nya hot dog?". Wkwkwkw, parah kan :D. Dan itu semua terdengar oleh para tamu yang sedang berdiri menunggu makanan mereka keluar, lumayan sih untuk tontonan, sembari nyengir bete karena pesanan kita lama kelarnya.

Still, gw masih menyimpan harapan pada Fat Burger ini, karena mereka juga akan buka di Senayan City (berseberangan dengan PS, nekat juga), kali ini bukan berupa stan, tapi resto beneran. Mudah-mudahan sih poin-poin negatif di atas disebabkan karena kelalaian staf, bukan karena resep originalnya begitu. Kalau itu standar asli mereka, gw nggak mau lagi deh >.<, absolutely not worth it. 
-All pictures were taken  by myself, do not copy without permission- 


How to Eat Your Instant Noodle

No matter how unhealthy it is, instant noodle is just like a staple food in my country. Cheap, delish, easy to make; enough said. Usually we eat the curly delights with a conservative way. Boil the noodle, than put it in a bowl. I've been doing it, like, forever. Until I saw how Koreans in their drama shows eat their instant noodle or "ramyun", they like to call it. They boil the noodle in a personal pan, and eat it straight from the pan! Now, why have not I thought about it before?? A girl who doesn't live in her parents house, and only rent a room like me should be able to think that kind of practical way.

So, when I woke up late for sahur today, I only have 30 minutes left to prepare a dish (including the stretching in bed that could took more than 5 minutes), surely in that nick of time, the obvious thing to do, was to make instant noodle. So why didn't I try what the Koreans do, I thought. And yes I tried to eat straight from the pan, firstly I put the hot pan with boiling noodle inside, over a piece of news paper. And just eat it with my chopsticks. And it felt great! Since the noodle was still in the hot pan, it didn't go cold easily. And I was able to finish it, without a single thing left, in eight minutes (the noodle was taken straight from the electric stove, mind you)! I still got a few minutes left to drink milk and water ^_^. 

We indeed need to have an open mind in other cultures than our own ^_^.

The giants in the hectic world of Indonesian instant noodles

Here's the link of Indonesia's most popular instant noodle brand Indomie

Hate Meetings

Just got a message from my boss. She said we're gonna have a meeting in a few hours. I just hate meetings. It ruined my already scheduled plans. And most of the time it's taking way too long than needed. Basically it's because the boss is under pressure, thus one needs to proceed the pressure to the already job overloaded employees. That's how it works in my working place, and I'm afraid in other offices too.


@ Work, 18th August 2010

Quite satisfied with today's work. I managed to finish up one mock-up, from the front to the last page, what recently has to be done in a few days, I was able to proceed the process in one day, that's a progress for me. All in all, I still got mountains of work waiting in line, so it's waaaay too early to sit back and relax. But with the closing of my current main desk job, I should be able to organize my work better. Hopefully tomorrow I can do at least one solid work too. Let's just hope my bosses won't realize the scripts that I supposed to submit weeks before :D.

(Found this cute Hello Kitty image in Sanrio's website. Love it!)


Uni, The Cutest Cat Ever

Last week when I was blog walking, I found this very super duper cute japanese blog. It is dedicated to the owner's cat named "Uni", and the name of the blog is "Uni No Himitsukichi" or "Uni's Secret Base". The blog has so many cute pictures, you cat lovers would drool on! And if you understand Japanese you can even read the cute and funny stories of Uni's adventures in his owner’s house ^_^. Be sure to check this site out http://ameblo.jp/sauta19/ 
Those emerald round eyes, those unbelivable pinky lips and nose! Who can resist!?


Fiuuuh, baru balik shopping sama bff. Puassss, berangkat jam 2 siang, balik jam setengah 1o malem! He he, kalo sama bff, pasti shopping nggak bakal puas kalau nggak sampe tutup toko :D. Seperti biasa, dapat diskon lumayan gede di Matahari TA. Terus, buka puasa di Fish & co. Boy, that restaurant never disappoint me! Details and pics coming up! Now I need to have some rest before sahur. And I still have the true blood's episode to watch, plus some side job to finish >.<. Will add this post later.

Getting Used to

Oh dear, looks like this blogger needs some getting used to. I'm already quite attached to my previous social network. Well, have to deal with it later, because I'm going shopping with my bff ^_^ while waiting for my fasting break. Yes, this month is the fasting month for Muslim.



Yaaay, at last I set my mind to make a blog in blogger ^_^. Welcome everybody, who ever you are, I'm from Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. In this blog I will express my likeness to everything that attracts my sixth senses, the happiness and sadness that come across my life, well I hope more happiness than sadness. I also love to watch people or things around me, so maybe I will rant a lot about my surroundings too ^_^.

Colorful umbrellas sold on one fine day at Gazebu in Bandung