
New Habit

Working while watching my twitter's time line.

Maybe to some, this would be distracting, but lately I feel it's a fun way to do my job. Because this way, I can reduced a little boredom that often shows it's existence let's say about every 15 minutes, and I can get instant informations, let it be trivial or important news. Maybe this has to do with my job that needs me to deal with lots and lots of text, which exhausted my eyes easily.  


Blue Feather

This is my first purchase at Frezia Fashion Shop. A long necklace made of aloy (gold color) with a ruby like rhinestone, and turqouise look a like plastic beads. Only Rp. 30.000 (around 3$). The online shop has so many cute accessories with reasonable price. Very recommended seller, I myself will probably buy some more jewelries there ^_^. But each purchase has to be at least Rp. 50.000, that's why I also bought another necklace beside this blue feather one, and the theme is butterfly, too bad I can not show it now because I left it in my mother's house.

Shopping @ Daiso

Di Jepang ada yang namanya toko 100 Yen dengan cabang yang menyebar di seluruh Jepang, dan di Jakarta mereka juga sudah buka cabang, salah satunya di Blok M Jakarta Selatan (kadang-kadang mereka juga suka buka corner dengan beberapa bak di super market Food Hall). 

Cabang Blok M Daiso berlokasi di lantai dua super market Papaya. Ukurannya kecil, mungkin lebih kecil daripada mini market Indomaret atau Alfa Mart yang sedang menjamur di mana-mana. Tapi, bisa puas berlama-lama di sana, karena banyak barang2 lucu, dan aneh yang biasa dijual di Jepang. Di Indonesia mereka pasang harga Rp. 22.000 untuk semua barang. Untuk yang baru datang dari Jepang, dan kurang beli oleh-oleh, bisa beli di sini, banyak kok barang-barang khas Jepang. Walaupun sebagian besar made in China, tapi lacquer wear plastik dan sumpitnya masih bikinan Jepang.

Gw sendiri setelah putar puter, akhirnya beli tempat kacamata yang dibungkus dengan kain bermotif tradisional Jepang, sumpit isi 3 pasang, mini whiteboard (ceritanya untuk organize kerjaan di kantor) dan pewangi ruangan jeli ^_^. Masih banyak sih yang pingin dibeli, tapi gw berusaha keras untuk mengendalikan diri. Kapan-kapan mau banget ngubek-ngubek daiso lagi, apalagi sekarang gw lagi cari softcase untuk hard disk external yang lagi susah dicari di Carefour dan Ace Hardware. 

Lucu kan ^_^, cuma Rp. 22.000 lho.

Pewangi ruangan aroma Apel yang bertahan selama 45 hari. Kalau sudah habis, tempatnya masih bisa dipakai dan diisi dengan refill pewangi ruangan jeli yang sudah banyak dijual di super market.


Another Disappointing K-drama

I'm supposed to do my proof, but I'm so sleepy thanks to "Mary Stayed Out All Night". Yeah, I watched it last night until the last episode. Arrgh, but the story line went down hill around the last quarter of the drama, too bad.

The sight of Wi Marry became annoying towards the end of the story, going back and forth from Kang Mu Gyul to the director. And I'm getting annoyed by the way every time she called the director. I don't know why, it's just that I found the sound very annoying, "Teppenim.. (something like that)". "Princess Hours", another Korean drama I've finished recently, also had a lousy story line from the second half of the story until the end. What's up with the writers anyway? At first the stories of both dramas were so sweet, simple and interesting, but after 10 episode, everything was ruined.

I've started to watch Korean drama since 2010, so I don't have much experience, but so far from all the K drama I've watched, only these dramas that really touched my heart: Shining Inheritance / Brilliant Legacy, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, Coffee Prince, Personal Taste and Boys Over Flower.

Even Sunkyukkwan Scandal many times felt boring to me, the chemistry between the lead actor and actress just didn't work, only Joong Ki who stood out.

Still, hopefully there are still great dramas out there, whether it's Korean or Japanese, that are worth watching.

List of K-dramas I've watched (from 2010):
 1. Boys Over Flower
 2. Personal Taste
 3. Coffee House (only half way ~ I could not stand watching it)
 4. Coffee Prince
 5. My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
 6. Shining Inheritance / Brilliant Legacy (absolute brilliance!)
 7. Princess Hours
 8. Mary Stayed Out All Night / Marry Me, Mary!
 9. Sunkyukwan Scandal


HAIR ENERGY - Anti Aging Creambath (Aloe Vera) by Makarizo

Untuk yang malas menghabiskan waktu lama dan biaya mahal di salon, tapi tetap ingin creambath secara teratur, HAIR ENERGY sepertinya bisa menjawab kebutuhan kita.

Creambath instan dari Makarizo ini sangat praktis dibandingkan proses creambath biasa. Khasiat utamanya untuk menghindari penuaan dini pada rambut yang katanya menimbulkan gejala rambut semakin tipis, lepek, dan kusam. Selain aloe vera (lidah buaya) yang berguna untuk menguatkan rambut, series ini juga mengeluarkan “rasa” lainnya.

Cara memakainya gampang banget. Kita tinggal keramas rambut, lalu ratakan Hair Energy ke seluruh batang rambut. Isi Hair Energy untuk saya yang rambutnya pendek, terasa sangat banyak, bahkan berlebihan. Tapi, karena ini pengalaman pertama, jadi saya pakai saja semuanya. Mungkin kalau dituangkan ke dalam mangkuk, krimnya bisa memenuhi satu mangkuk, jadi kira-kira sama banyak dengan krim yang disediakan kalau kita creambath di salon.

Setelah meratakan krim di seluruh batang rambut, kita pijat-pijat kepala selama 5 – 6 menit. Kalau melakukan sendiri, 5 – 6 menit akan terasa lama, jadi mungkin lebih baik dilakukan sambil nonton TV ^_^, daripada dilakukan di kamar mandi, nanti bisa bosan. Saat proses pemijatan, kulit kepala akan mulai terasa dingin, walaupun tidak sedingin kalau kita dipijat saat creambath di salon.

Selesai memijat, kita tinggal membilas rambut sampai bersih, tidak perlu di-sampo lagi. Dan selesailah proses creambath instan yang memang ekstra cepat ^_^. Menurut saran di kemasannya, untuk hasil terbaik gunakanlah Hair Engery dua kali seminggu.

Poin positif:
  • Sangat praktis karena bisa dilakukan dalam waktu 10 menit kurang, karena tidak perlu proses steaming. Coba bandingkan dengan proses creambath di salon yang memakan waktu minimal 1 jam.
  • Sama sekali nggak pelit krim. Saking banyaknya, mungkin untuk yang berambut pendek, krim bisa dibagi untuk dua kali pemakaian.
  • Hasilnya benar-benar membuat rambut halus, bercahaya, ringan, bersih dan mengembang. 
  • Hasil creambath akan bertahan sampai keesokan harinya
  • Setelah rambut kering, akan tercium wangi yang segar. Dan wangi ini pun bertahan sampai keesokan harinya.
  • Tidak membuat gatal kulit kepala.
  • Mudah didapat (dijual di supermarket atau minimarket, dll)
  • Dibandingkan creambath di salon, Hair Energy yang harganya cuma Rp. 10.000 bisa dibilang super murah!

Poin negatif:
  • Wangi krimnya agak aneh saat baru dikeluarkan dari kemasan dan diratakan di rambut. Tapi tidak perlu khawatir, karena begitu rambut kering, wanginya jadi enak, ^_^.
  • Salah satu hal yang saya suka kalau creambath di salon adalah efek “cool” yang terasa di kulit kepala saat krim diratakan di rambut. Nah, Hair Energy rasanya kurang efek “cool”-nya, walaupun mulai terasa sedikit saat rambut dipijat.

Dengan begitu banyak poin positif di atas, saya jadi tertarik untuk memakai Hair Energy secara rutin. Dan mungkin, mencoba “rasa” yang lainnya ^_^


Thank You for Giving Me Strength

Yesterday & today @ my office were so strange... 
I feel this is a turning point toward something. 
Dear Allah thank You thank You thank You for the strength You've given me. 
Please always show me the right path... please don't let me be and feel intimidated by the things that are not worthy to be. 
Somehow I knew You've sent me courage and strength. 
Though I wavered, in the end You gave me the way to stand my ground. 
Thank you so very much, from yours truly the humble me...


Kyusu @ Kemanggisan

I'd just like to show a few pictures of a humble little Japanese restaurant that offered tasty and affordable Japanese food at Syahdan street, in Kemanggisan area, in West Jakarta near Binus campus. 

Their menu stood out from the rest of the joints of Kemanggisan. They served from sushi to teppanyaki, with all kinds of fruits juices. From the looks of it, and the way he wore a cook's uniform, I think the owner had some experience in a real Japanese restaurant. But he had ran out of business, probably because the cost of maintaining the place was way to expensive to bare compared to the profit received. It breaks my heart every time a restaurant I love has to be closed down especially because of lack of customers >.<. Still, I have to admit although for a Japanese food the price was considered very cheap, still it did not suit the market at Kemanggisan that is filled with college students who usually aiming for a below Rp. 15.000 complete meal.

I still remember the nice owner who had high hopes when we visited the restaurant which at the time was just opened. Please don't give up. I hope you find a more strategic place for your restaurant. 

California roll
Chicken Teppanyaki
Gindara Teppanyaki


Piscatore @ Epicentrum

Piscatore, a new seafood buffet restaurant @ Epicentrum, South of Jakarta.
Thanks to my friend and her discount voucher, I could experience their cuisines. It's a Great place, with great fresh seafood. I ate lots and lots of oyster :), ME LOVE OYSTER. They also served grilled seafood and what attracted me the most was fan mussels, it's the first time for me, I never saw a mussel that big. 

Although it wasn't mentioned in their logo, but I think this restaurant is made especially for Korean food lovers, and they have a lot of Korean customers too in spite of the new building. They serve western and Japanese food (sushi, sashimi, etc), but Korean food is the main point. Just imagine, beside kimchi and other Korean cuisine, they also make Chajangmyeon! If you're a regular audience of Korean entertainment, I'm sure this name is familiar to you. Every time I saw how Korean artists drool over a plate of Jajangmyeon I'm always curious. But, somehow I didn't find the Chajangmyeon in Piscatore very appealing.

Still I had a great time in Piscatore, would love to stay there for hours if I could :D. For kids, they made a special corner with jars of candy assortments. In the cold beverages department you can have water melon juice, orang juice and lemon tea. And for dessert you can choose between salads, puddings, and ice cake tart ^_^, or all of them if your stomach still have some room.

Grilled family ^_^




Don't know why, I'm feeling uneasy today. 
The office is quite peaceful today, but that doesn't help in comforting myself. I hope this is just a miss premonition on my part. Just imagine if you had a sixth sense, how annoying and tiring it would be. May be at first it would be fun, but I don't think I could stand the anxiety.  


Tahun Baru 2011

Hmmm, setiap tahun gw merasa tahun itu berlalu dengan sangat cepat, tapi tahun 2010 sumpah, berasa secepat kilat! Perasaan baru beberapa bulan yang lalu merencanakan resolusi 2010, dan sekarang sudah 1 Januari 2011. Fiuuuh....

Tahun 2010 meninggalkan goresan permanen *kalau bisa dibilang begitu* dalam hal kerjaan di kantor. Asuhan selama 4 tahun lebih harus dilepas dengan cara yang menyesakkan dada,  merasa kecewa besar terhadap keputusan dari atas. Meskipun terus terang, sangat berat untuk melanjutkan asuhan gw itu, tapi setidaknya gw berpikir suatu saat gw akan melepaskan dengan cara yang manis, tapi kenyataan berkata lain. Kalau dilihat ke belakang, pelepasan yang mengecewakan itu masih bisa dibilang lebih bagus dibandingkan pelepasan suatu proyek kantor yang lain di masa lalu. Well, let those be lessons well learned... Memang 2011 adalah tahun perubahan...
Tapi, di atas semua tantangan dan kekecewaan, gw tetap merasa beruntung ^_^, I still have my dearest love ones with me ^_^. I'm truly blessed...

Jadi, mari kita melakukan ritual tahun baruan, yaitu menentukan resolusi tahun baru :) Seberapa persen yang akan tercapai? Yah masalah itu sih kita pikirkan belakangan aja, yang penting usahanya.

Resolusi 2011 (in random order):
- Kurusin badan (target tertinggi: 50kg)
- Bekerja dengan lebih teratur (target tertinggi: Tidak pernah telat nurunin naskah ~berat booo~)
- Shalat lebih rajin
- Mulai otodidak belajar bhs Korea
- Berenang scr teratur
- Rajin nabung (beli LM)
- Be friendlier & more positive minded
- Catat pengeluaran setiap hari