
"Brain Dump"? And some updates in my life...

So few days ago I watched some videos on youtube about "Brain Dump". A very interesting and easy to do idea. I think this could do good to my own head. But the consequence is, it will leave tracks for others in the future to see. But Miss Vicky Bee made a good point about this in one of her videos. So, probably will give it a shot. Deasy from "My Green Cow" also have one to ease her depression, and came up with a fun solution to be consistent in this new habit. In order to make herself do a brain dump consistently, she, in a away, "bribe" herself :D. Whenever she wrote something in her brain dump notebook, she will add a sticker in the cover of the book. I think that is why she chose a book with a blank craft paper cover. 

This year, some new things happen in my daily routine, well for one I try to jot down my expenses and made some kind of meal journal every night, and also I always encourage myself to make a to do list for the next day. And since my brother abruptly decided to move to London, but still wishes his apartment to find a new tenant whilst he's already in the UK, I as the one who lives nearest to the location, has to be almost always at the ready to open the apartment's door to the future tenants who wishes to see it. Of course this task also comes with other related chores such as tidying the place (my brother and his wife apparently did not completely throw their unneeded things away before they move), and maintain the cleanness of the place.

All in all, some said this is a good year for the likes of me who was born in the year of the horse, but we will see what it has in store...


Minat Baru

Sekitar akhir bulan September awal bulan Oktober gw pingin banget mencari sistem untuk mengatur hidup gw supaya nggak seberantakan ini. Makanya mulailah gw mengubek-ubek video di youtube, dan bertemu dengan dunia baru yang sebetulnya kalau dilihat ke belakang bukan dunia yang benar-benar baru juga untuk gw :D.

Yup, akhir-akhir ini gw punya minat baru (atau lebih tepatnya minat lama yang bangkit kembali, berkat para ladies di youtube), dan itu adalah planner, organiser, stiker dan stationery!! Nggak nyangka sudah berkembang sampai sejauh sekarang. Dan dari sini, gw juga diperkenalkan dengan apa yang namanya smashbook, filofax, midori travelers notebook, erin condren planner dan lain-lain. Dunia yang penuh warna and so much fun.

Tapi, yang harus diwaspadai, jangan sampai menjebol dompet, wkwkkw. Gara-gara hobi baru ini, gw jadi udah berkali-kali belanja online untuk stationery2 lucu, fufu. Tapi, tetap positif kok. Ini seperti cahaya baru di saat-saat yang terpuruk seperti sekarang ini.


Heart and Intuiton

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
 – Steve Jobs


Determination... Courage...

I need to decide on what I want to do in the near future... I need to build a strong determination...
Taking action is scary, and I'm terrified honestly... but stay still in this place is wrecking me slowly but sure from the inside, so let's take a baby step...

A long time ago, this was almost want I wanted. And that is an achivement I guess ...
But, after a decade or so, it is just natural for a human being to look for another horizon...
(>人<) aaah... courage, courage... I need to gather up courage...

No one wants to be burnt out through and through again, no one wants to be visited by a guest called depression from time to time...


Kurang Tidur & Datang Bulan

Ternyata untuk gw, kombinasi kurang tidur dan datang bulan itu menghasilkan sakit kepala yang lumayan sakit. Dan bisa muncul kadang di sebelah kiri, kadang di sebelah kanan. Kok, baru nyadar sekarang, ya? :p


A New Beginning (Jokowi & JK - Periode 2014 - 2019)

Yesterday (22 July 2014) was a very meaningful day ^_^. I finished my OP 72 mock up and sent it to the printing company, and of course... Indonesia has their new officially elected 7th president! What made this different from other elections is, this time we have a very idealistic leader who want us to work together with him. He made clear that he's not a one man show and he believes that the greatest asset in Indonesia lies in its people. In order for our country to thrive we all have to work our very best in our daily lives too :).
Let the new day begin!!


What I Hate - 15th July 2014

One of the things that I hate is:
Having someone from the past (whom I barely know, or never have any contact with me during the time before the sudden attack) contact me out of the blue because he or she needs something from me, and when I refuse to or can not comply, he/she does not want to understand my position, and begin to chase me via various ways, or after I give an answer which does not suit her / him, she / he don't give any closure what so ever.

Hei, we don't even know each other that well, so please read between the lines.

This happen to me yesterday and today. After a message in FB, followed by an email, and a call (I don't know who gave my phone number to that person), at last I reply through email. And, just now, my phone started ringing again from that certain person. Well, sorry, you are in my blocked list now.


iPersonic Test Result

Di FB lagi pada doyan nyoba tes kepribadian di ipersonic. Jadi, penasaran juga ^_^. Nah, untuk catatan pribadi, gw akan co - paste hasilnya di sini. Yah, lumayan untuk refleksi diri, ya. Dan, analisanya memang banyak yang kena sasaran.  

The Analytical Thinker 

Analytical Thinkers are reserved, quiet persons. They like to get to the bottom of things - curiosity is one of their strongest motives. They want to know what holds the world together deep down inside. They do not really need much more to be happy because they are modest persons. Many mathematicians, philosophers and scientists belong to this type.
Analytical Thinkers loathe contradictions and illogicalness; with their sharp intellect, they quickly and comprehensively grasp patterns, principles and structures. They are particularly interested in the fundamental nature of things and theoretical findings; for them, it is not necessarily a question of translating these into practical acts or in sharing their considerations with others. Analytical Thinkers like to work alone; their ability to concentrate is more marked than that of all other personality types. They are open for and interested in new information.

Analytical Thinkers have little interest in everyday concerns - they are always a little like an “absent-minded professor” whose home and workplace are chaotic and who only concerns himself with banalities such as bodily needs when it becomes absolutely unavoidable. The acknowledgement of their work by others does not play a great role for them; in general,they are quite independent of social relationships and very self-reliant.

Analytical Thinkers therefore often give others the impression that they are arrogant or snobby - especially because they do not hesitate to speak their mind with their often harsh (even if justified) criticism and their imperturbable self-confidence. Incompetent contemporaries do not have it easy with them. But whoever succeeds in winning their respect and interest has a witty and very intelligent person to talk to. A partner who amazes one with his excellent powers of observation and his very dry humor.
It takes some time before Analytical Thinkers make friends, but then they are mostly friends for life. They only need very few people around them. Their most important ability is to be a match for them and thus give them inspiration. Constant social obligations quickly get on their nerves; they need a lot of time alone and often withdraw from others. Their partner must respect this and understand that this is not due to the lack of affection. Once they have decided in favour of a person, Analytical Thinkers are loyal and reliable partners. However, one cannot expect romance and effusive expressions of feelings from them and they will definitely forget their wedding anniversary. But they are always up to a night spent with stimulating discussions and a good glass of wine!

Adjectives that describe your type: introverted, theoretical, logical, spontaneous, rational, analytical, intellectual, skeptical, pensive, critical, quiet, precise, independent, creative, inventive, abstract, eccentric, curious, reserved, self-involved, imaginative, unsociable, determined, modest, careful, incommunicative, witty.

As an Analytical Thinker you are one of the introverted personality types. You are not particularly suited for dealing with others, working as a part of a team and be in the position of “continuous exchange“, you would much rather work alone, and dwell on your thoughts undisturbed. You usually put a critical distance between yourself and others that enables you to be the keen and incorrupt observer of life. This distance can be truly bridged by only very few other people. That is probably caused by the fact that you are not all that interested to share your thoughts with others. Generally it is sufficient for you to have clarified a matter for yourself or that you have understood something; the continuous in your eyes mostly superficial chatter of the people around you becomes rather annoying.

You prefer to work independently and appreciate having a lot of time and quiet in order to concentrate on the really important things: Structuring ideas, comprehending complex causalities, understanding of the universe, its rules and the logical analysis of systems. You absorb new information like a sponge and your memory is legendary. Once you have learned something, you’ll never forget it - unless you consider it to be irrelevant for some reason and decide that it seems to be better purging it from your data storage.

Creative problem solving and jumping out of your paradigm to development daring future visions are a part of your greatest strength. At the same time you are the most acute and rational critic of your own ideas, each one of them will be rigorously examined and discarded at the smallest indication of contradictions or lack of logic. You usually leave the implementation to others and prefer to turn to new theoretical reflections. Especially in case of self employment (in your case a real possibility) it is important to surround yourself with hands-on oriented and dependable employees who make sure that your incredible suggestions for solutions become reality while you return to immersing yourself in your intellectual world.


Suara Terindah di Dunia...

Dengar suara mama yang bersemangat dan sehat dari telepon benar-benar melegakan hati :).  

Wiken kemarin mama sempat sakit dan dibawa ke UGD, jadi hari ini di kantor entah kenapa, ada rasa khawatir, walaupun sebetulnya mama sudah berangsur-angsur membaik. Tapi setelah tadi telepon ke rumah, dan mendengar suaranya, hati jadi tenang ^_^. 

Nggak ada suara yang lebih menyejukan daripada suara seorang ibu yang gembira dan sehat. Suara tawa yang tulus dari seorang ibu adalah suara terindah di dunia ini, that I've come to learn in these years.  

Please always be healthy and happy, may God bless your every breath and every step...